Men’s National Ski Team @ Osler

Men’s National Ski Team @ Osler

The Men’s Nations National Ski Team was at Osler Ski Club racing with the escarpment racers pitting team vs team, each headed up by a National ski Team Member.  Jan Hudec, John Kucera, Manny Osbourne Paradis, and Eric Guay.  Fun was had by all!  Photos can be...
Men’s National Ski Team @ TSC

Men’s National Ski Team @ TSC

The Men’s National Downhill ski Team came to TSC for a fund raising event, I was thrilled to be the photographer hired to cover it!  The job included full studio lighting to be set up before hand, and a custom back drop … put it all together good sized...
Dance, dance, dance!

Dance, dance, dance!

Saturday was Dance Day, we rented the stage and the girls enjoyed a morning of dance photography.  Ellie, Emily, and Elora borrowed Tutu’s from their dance school, which were formally used by the National Ballet of Canada’s Nutcracker.   Staged before...
Wake Stock

Wake Stock

It was a rainy weekend for Wake Stock in Collingwood, not wanting to miss out on the action my son Chris and I took shelter and snapped a few event photos….