Personal Portfolio Photos

Personal Portfolio Photos

Sometimes you just need photos for many uses from Linkedin, for acting, and other professions.  Kyra had some done with several different poses and looks.  Now she is all set to apply with confidence!        ...
Degrassi portfolio photos

Degrassi portfolio photos

Owen stoped by the studio lookng to update his portfollio photos for acting.   So we got busy and created these photos for his agent … he was thrilled and is going to his next auditions with confidence! Thanks Owen; it was great to meet you, Wendy UPDATE: Owen...

June grad photos for just $25.

We now do Gown and Cap photos … but even better to go along with the traditional Gown and Cap bring along something to symbolize you and who you are. Devin brought along an electric guitar which he made in shop class, it really rocks out the tunes.  He wanted...