7 styles of the most popular phones on the market today including:
Important Notes About Simply Cellies™Simply Color Lab offers the highest quality available in the industry. Simply Cellies™ are produced using a different process from our Fine Art Prints. Prints on plastic will not have the same quality of sharpness as our fine art papers. Small inconsistencies may occur from one cover to the next. These may appear as color and image distortion or imperfections in finish or as slight variations in color saturation/color transfer on the cover. All variations are due to the unique printing process, which involves sublimating ink into a gas, the ink diffuses a small amount before being absorbed by the plastic. When placing text or graphic elements on your image please, be sure to place it in the “safe area” on the template as going outside of this area can result in stretched or distorted graphics due to the 3D nature of the case. Each case is quality inspected to minimize these imperfections. This is an acceptable and expected part of the process and final product. Also due to this specific printing process, it is not possible to produce a perfectly neutral black-and-white image. Even if you completely remove all color from your image, black & white images are printed using all of the printers’ colors, and it is normal to sometimes receive your final black-and-white print with a slight color cast. This is a normal and expected result with the Simply Cellies™.
We work hard to ensure we have the highest print quality available out of any lab. Be sure your submitted file does not contain blown-out hot spots or washed out blacks. This will ensure you are receiving the highest-quality final product possible. Due to the nature of this process, we apologize, but we cannot offer reprints or refunds on Simply Cellies™ cases for a slight color cast or those that do not print as sharp as a Fine Art Paper Print or for the slight imperfections mentioned above. Cellies™ are a decorative cell phone case and are no way intended to be used as protection for your device. |